Dry Eye

Over 50% of adults in the United States have dryness of their eyes at some point. Dry eye can be caused by a variety of conditions. The eye has three layers of tears to lubricate the surface of the eye. If one or more layers of tears are not produced properly, burning, stinging, grittiness, redness, inflammation, watering, and in some cases, vision loss can result.

There are many factors that contribute to dry eye such as medications, smoking, environment, hormones, lifestyle, wearing contact lenses, decreased oil or tear production, surgeries, or other medical conditions. Our doctors evaluate your eyes and recommend an individual treatment plan for cases of dry eye: One of the first steps everyone should do to avoid dry eye is to drink enough water and keep their eyelids clean. Normal debris, bacteria, and makeup products commonly plug important oil glands and lead to dry eye symptoms.

Learn More about Dry Eye

If initial treatments of dry eye aren’t enough, don’t worry! There are many more treatments available, such as punctal plugs, iLux, Lipiflow, BlephEx, Zocular Eyelid System Treatment (ZEST), Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL), Radio Frequency, Low Level Light Therapy, Platelet Rich Plasma, Autologous Serum, and Amniotic Membranes.

Schedule an appointment for a dry eye evaluation!

Learn About IPL, The Ultimate Dry Eye Treatment
Eye Clinic North Hibbing

P: (218) 263-3633
F: (218) 729-2445

1311 East 34th Street
Hibbing, Minnesota 55746

Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm

Eye Clinic North Virginia

P: (218) 741-5886
F: (218) 729-2445

807 North 6th Avenue
Virginia, Minnesota 55792

Monday-Thursday: 9am-5pm | Friday: 9am-4pm

Eye Clinic West Duluth

P: (218) 624-1804
F: (218) 729-2445

405 North 57th Avenue West
Duluth, Minnesota 55807

Tuesday-Friday: 9am-5pm